Private road pothole problems? Here’s why they need repairing or replacing

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Potholes have absolutely blighted the UK over the Winter and there are more potholes than ever on roads all over the country. Of course, it’s not just public roads that are affected and many private roads have also taken a battering! These roads aren’t a concern for the council so if it’s owned privately or by a business the responsibility to fix them will lie with the owner.

This is commonly the case on business parks and shopping centres where customers and staff commonly use the roads. It’s important to take measures to fix potholes as soon as possible to avoid further issues, including:

The hole becoming wider and deeper

As cars continue to drive over potholes they will continue to grow and become more and more expensive to fix over time. As the pothole becomes bigger it’s likely that it will cost more to fix and may even result in the road needing re-tarmacing completely.

Damage being caused to cars

Potholes can cause extensive damage to cars, mostly to tyres and suspension. If you have customers that are using your roads regularly you may become liable for damage that’s sustained to their vehicles if they can prove it occurred as a result of using your road.

Potential trip hazard

If people walk on the road often a pothole is an easy way to trip and hurt yourself. Similar to car damage this can leave you liable for any injuries that occur to your customers or staff. No pothole, no problems!

They look awful

If nothing else potholes don’t look great and if you’re trying to run a customer facing business then it doesn’t look great. Your customers are much more likely to appreciate freshly laid tarmac that they don’t have to worry about damaging their car on. The way your business looks from the outside will affect how people think about the inside.

At MJ Davidson, we provide a comprehensive road construction and tarmacing service. Call us on 01772 616640 or email